Monday, September 24, 2012

What a Week

So this past week has been exhausting. Zach stayed with us for a little over a week and Will was home this weekend. There was a LOT of running around to school, practice, other stuff, and I am just drained. I slept for a full 8.5 hours last night and I'm still tired. I guess it was good practice for that whole parenting thing I mentioned in the last blog? Though teenagers are exhausting in a very different way than a newborn or a toddler.

Last night, we had Shane and Heather over on top of Will and Zach. We had a good time. Zach and Seth made hamburgers and hotdogs, etc. Then we played The Logo Game - Seth is such a bad sport when it comes to games though, for real. I can't WAIT until he has to lose on purpose when we have kids. That will be AWESOME to watch. ;) I wish we'd played Clue. It's my favorite! Plus it's less competitive. One cool thing that happened today was Will finally donated his hair! If you'll recall, Ava and I donated ours in July (there's a post in July 2012) and his wasn't quite there yet. Today it was go time! They had to braid it into sections and then CHOP. It was so short. He looks like a different person kind of. It was styled differently than the after picture when it was completely done, but this is just an idea of what happened.

My brain is kind of fried, honestly. I've been working my new job (which is good!) I'm not even sure if I updated that here, but obviously, I do indeed have a new job! I'm still going to keep my "Ava job" which is awesomely ideal. The new job is as a "Marketing Director" for a small-ish healthcare/chiropractic clinic called The Paulk Clinic. So far, I've made them a new website and created a Facebook and Twitter page. I still have lots to do and implement but I'm excited. I made a new flyer today for their front desk to introduce the new media I'm inputting. :) I'm also looking into some other WAH jobs -- I'm super interested in a blog writing one. Not this type of blog, but blog posts that are related to media marketing. I'm also interested in a temporary PT office assistant one that would be over in December -- which is perfect! I'll start Grad School in January (hopefully!) so I wouldn't be overloaded, plus I could make some extra cash in the meantime. Love it! My patience, or rather, my pseudo-patience is paying off. I'm not patient at all, but just believing that I'd eventually get something. I hope it keeps going up from here! :)

On another note, I really want a new camera. My old one is a POS now and we can't even find the battery charger. I'm not saying one like my Mom's fancy one but definitely something a little better than the old point and shoot for when we have kids! A girl can dream. I just want something like the Nikon Coolpix or something similar?

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