Sunday, September 30, 2012

I have a new sister :)

 So yesterday night around 11:30-ish Seth, Will and I met our new sister or sister-in-law, whichever applies. We went and picked Mom, Mark, Ava & Jennifer up from the airport. I was excited to see Ava -- I really did miss her! And I was so ready for Mom & Mark to be back -- To be honest, I was tired of pseudo-parenting and having to keep up with everything. I also just missed being able to have a conversation with my Mom that wasn't interrupted by a crappy Skype connection or not being able to say it "like it is" because others were around.

So we got to the airport and met up with everyone.

Jenn, if you're reading this one day: You're gorgeous! I know our family is crazy (I promise, we all know that) and it won't be the easiest thing to become a part of it. I just want you to know that our family is full of love, though sometimes misguided or strange as it may be. I hope you and Ava become really good friends, as sisters should be, and that I can be a good role model for the both of you. I hope you learn to love where you are living and that the transition is as painless as possible. I know you probably feel lost at times and awkward, but don't worry. I can't say "I've been there" but I can say "I'll be there." It's been an interesting transition so far. I take my role as "big sister" to heart; I can't just turn it off or on. You may not always agree with me (or others in the family) but I hope you feel that you can be honest and I hope you feel accepted. I know you said this was your "fourth family" but Jenn, this is your "last family" and your "always family." Even when you get married to some incredibly lucky man and make your own little family, we will still be there....crazy as ever. I loved getting to bond with you better today when you, Mom and I went shopping. You're funny and blunt and so creative. I will always wish you the best. Xx Love, Amelia.

On a more somber note...

What happened to my sweet babies? :`(
I honestly don't understand my brothers anymore. We grew up together with (basically) the same environment. I don't get why there is no empathy or compassion, no forethought, and no respect right now. I'm not saying they are not capable - they are! That is what is so damn frustrating! To see my two little brothers act the way I've seen in the past few weeks quite literally makes me cry. I'm past the point of trying to fix everything and I'm past the point of trying to justify some of their shitty attitudes. I don't agree with it. I wish they would just accept things and move on instead of trying to hide behind their excuses and "personalities." They are better than their attitudes right now.

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