Monday, September 12, 2011

Moving Still Sucks --- and School's About to Start

So it's been like a million years since I updated. More like a month, but that's a million years in blog world. I do have a pretty good excuse - we just got a wireless router last night. :) We hadn't had one and just had the ethernet cable thing in the living room. It was rather awkward. To be online, basically you had to park it in front of the TV on the floor. Needless to say, I didn't do much as far as the internet. :)

Anyways, this has the potential to be a long-winded update since this month has been quite busy. I'll just start it around the time we moved. Moving was insane. It was sort of even what I would consider a nightmare. Lol. Let's start at the beginning of that story....
We closed on the house on a Tuesday. I believe it was August 16 (for future memory.) We closed on that day but we weren't able to move until the weekend because Seth had to work. I feel like all I did for days was pack and pack and pack, and yet still had last minute packing and odds and ends to take care of. I think that was a main point of my frustration. We had made several trips of boxes thinking that if we got the boxes done we would "only have furniture left" and could easily get that done.... See below for how THAT worked out. Lol. One day, I brought a load down by myself. Another day, Hannah and I brought another load of boxes and waited for the electricity guy, cable guy, and gas south guy. Another day, Seth and I brought two loads of stuff. Thank goodness we DID do that or it wouldn't have all fit in the moving truck!

We decided that it would be a best use of our rental truck time to rent the truck on the Friday afternoon, start moving stuff in, finish moving that night and unpack it either that night (when we were being optimistic) or (realistically) the next morning. I'd like to preface this with: Without the help of some amazing friends there is no way we would have been able to get moved.

So here's how this all went down. Before getting the U-Haul, I helped Hannah with a load of her stuff in the 'burban and Megan's van. Then we got the U-Haul while Hannah finished up packing in her room. Hannah, Megan and I finished moving Hannah's stuff. The last load we just loaded into Megan's van and then started on the icky part...moving the furniture. Eek. We got some of that done while we waited on Seth to get off work. After Seth got off work, he and James were ready to help. We spent HOURS sweating, cleaning, moving, packing. was really not fun. We were all pretty miserable by the end of it. Not what we had expected at all. By the time all of that was said and done it was almost midnight (0r maybe it was midnight?) I don't remember.

Me, Seth, Lucy & Chevy (who did so damn well while we were moving stuff out and on the ride here) got here around 2:30 or later in the morning. We unloaded the bare necessities and a mattress. We crashed for a little less than four hours. Luckily, on the trip of boxes with Hannah we had unpacked a few boxes - that made it feel less blah. So we slept until around 7:30 am and got back up (albeit with less energy than necessary). Shane and Heather got here around 9 I think (with Cokes! Sweet Lord thank you!) and helped us unpack the stuff we hadn't been able to unload with just Me & Seth. Without Shane to help, I know we wouldn't have been able to get some of our bulkier furniture upstairs because I would have been useless with the dressers. We barely got the U-Haul back on time and immediately went to meet my Dad to get the refrigerator.

It was a hell of a weekend, I'll just say that. Oh, did I mention we are stupidddd and had forgotten to get the water turned on? So throughout all this, we had no water for showering, washing our hands, the dog bowls, dishes, cooking... Lol. Yeah. We had the luxury of included water in our apartment and had never had to do it ourselves.... :p Oh well. We got it turned on (after even more of a debacle) on the Tuesday after we had moved in on Friday night/Saturday morning. :) That's a great memory. ;) ha. Luckily Alicia let us use her amazing shower on Saturday night so we at least smelled ok. And we brought huge gallon buckets of water from Seth's Dad over so we could flush the toilets and have water for the doggies. -_- We are so good. ;) hahaha.

So even after all the planning in the world...moving STILL sucks. I don't want to do it again - unless I have enough money to pay someone to do it for me. ;)

We still haven't even gotten the house to a state of what I would consider "moved in." We still have boxes to unpack and we still have our desk and other things in the garage. We're slowly but surely getting there. I just want to be mostly done by the time I start Grady next Thursday. Hopefully that works out. If not, oh well. It'll be Christmas before that happens then. ;) haha.

Speaking of Christmas, I had to schedule my laprascopic (sp?) surgery for December 19...with a recovery time of 5-7 days. Wtf. Merry Christmas. Lol. Oh well. I have no other times I can do it with this crap Grady schedule. But I just keep telling this, suck it up for 2 years, and the payoff will be worth it. Gotta stay motivated. $$$ :) :) :)

Speaking of Grady, I go tomorrow to finish my CPR certification. Also, I have to finish my online orientation and registration by this Friday. You can see how motivated I am because I am writing this blog instead of doing that. I'll get it done. I'm just in no rush. :/ Sad, huh. I am just kind of over school. It's just another thing to do at this point. I have my Bachelor's Degree and I'll get my RT Certification and maybe not ever go back. Or maybe I will. :) Lol. All I know is...get through these 2 years and figure it out from there.

By the way, blog world -- Less than 6 months until our wedding day!!! :) I wish it would hurry up and get here. I wanna wear my dress. ;)

Well, that's all for now. It'll probably be a while before I update again. Or maybe I'll update quite often now because I'll be procrastinating again. Oh school.

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