Saturday, September 24, 2011

Holy Crap at My Life! Sheesh.

Blog world....
Sometimes I think my life is a joke. As in, HAHA you are going to hate this right? Let's do that. ;)

I'm only sort of kidding and/or being sarcastic with that one. That sounds so cynical. I'm actually not in a bad mood right now just soooooo tireddddd and trieddddd. (Yes. Tired. Tried.)

Where to begin?

When I left off last, I was going in for my CPR certifications at Grady. Well, did that. I'm now CPR Certified, bitches. ;) But beyond that, this past Thursday (September 22) I think I started one of the best decisions I've made...on top of one of the hardest and most trying (hence the tired and tried, but not just this). I'm truly excited now that I have learned what we're going to do but HOLY CRAP (see title) this shit is going to be intense. What I'm saying is, don't expect frequent happy updates. I'll probably be updating more when I'm pissed or overwhelmed now. I'll be EFFING BUSY for the rest of the time. Lol.

Basically I will be at Grady Memorial Hospital (or the school hall, or an off-site clinical location) for the next two years, M-F, 8-4 ... and sometimes.... till 11 pm and sometimes... on the weekends. Crazy? Why yes. Awesome? Why yes. SUPER EFFING FUN AND INTERESTING SOUNDING? Uh, duh. Blog World...I get to do clinicals in all sorts of interesting locations over the next two years. I'm going to be vague so I can't get in trouble in case this is wrong, but the ER, OR (yes!) and alllllllll kinds of other Radiology-Related sites. And trust me, there are a lot. We rotate through about a bazillion. I'm ready to do it NOW!

I'm scared as f*** but I'm also ready to do this! I think this is going to be such a fun career and such an interesting career. I mean, working in a hospital in a fast-paced environment, how likely is it that I will be bored?? Lol. It's going to be insane. I will feel tired at times (okay, a lot of times) and I will become frustrated, sure. But that's just a lovely little process we call learning. You can't learn without commitment to get through the sleepiness or frustration to put things into perspective. So, this is really my disclaimer dear blog, that my rants and complaints to come later are coming from a very tired, frustrated, over-worked and over-tested girl. Not the girl (okay...woman...but I feel old that way) that is super duper excited to work in this field. K? ;) Now that we have that straight.

Getting up at 5:38 am is brutal to those of us non-morning people. Driving an hour to school/work is also brutal. But... bring it on. I can do this.

I'm feeling very positive for whatever reason. I went with Mom and Ava to volunteer today and that usually puts me in a good mood. I'm tired as hell since I still haven't gotten much sleep and I dislike sweating, but it was super cool. We were at Ms Peg's Horse Farm and were helping with the Adoption department. :) Kids, man. And horses, doggies and kittens. Good day. We were all tired by the end, and sweaty and thirsty, but it's okay.

Volunteering reminds me a lot of why I dedicate myself to certain programs/things. I can't get a look at something I love and turn away from it. I just don't really have that in me as a person. I've been volunteering for soooo long but got away from it a bit in college. I'm super glad that I'm getting back into it and that I can do this with my (amazing) mommy. And even sister, this time! I think this also relates to Grady. I got my look at something I love (helping, cool stuff like emergencies) and now I'm dedicated. The only way I wouldn't do this would be for a health reason or personal emergency. Well, or financial emergency. That's entirely possible the way finances are going.

1 comment:

  1. Note: I was totally faking this, in retrospect. Emergencies and hospitals do not excite me. They have interesting things to observe but after about a week they get boring. I also hate going to hospitals because all you do is wait -- and that was no different WORKING in one.
