Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Well hi blog world. :) I apparently stink at keeping up with this thing now - but hey, I've had it for over a year! Sort of proud of myself. Haha.

What has happened since graduation....well. I had an interview at Grady on May 17 and I find out NEXT WEEK if they accepted me or not! I have high hopes. :) Plus, Molly said she felt good about her interview and got in and I feel the same! :) Fingers crossed! I would love to have a plan. Haha.

As far as the wedding, we met with our potential photographer, Ashleigh Dees Photography, on Sunday. It went REALLY well! Her pictures are pretty amazing and she seems to "get" and be excited for our vision of our wedding day. :) I personally also love how non-traditional we are. It's nice to be able to incorporate "us" into a day that is supposed to be ours. Sometimes (okay, 70% of the time) I feel like the whole reception is about everyone BUT us. Ya know? Oh well.

Moving along...we also found a perfect place for bridesmaid dresses!! This is after we went dress shopping at David's which was not a great experience. We found an Alfred Angelo carrier and it's local!! Whoo hoo! Hannah found one she realllllllly likes and it's totally hot! Now to get Jackie and Elea up here to find their perfect dresses! Exciting. Loved the color too.

And I know I've left a lot of stuff out, but my birthday is in 8 days!!!! WHOOOO!!!

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