Wednesday, February 22, 2012

You're In For A Long One, Blog....

I literally don't even know where to begin. There's been a LOT happen in the past week or so.

For starters, we are getting super close to the ONE WEEK mark! Can you believe it?? I can but I can't all at the same time. It feels like it's been forever, but at the same time it's hard to believe that one of the biggest days of our lives as a couple is coming up so quickly. I've been steadily checking things off my to-do list. We finished all three of our pre-marital counseling sessions (which by the way were GREAT!), we got the Mixbook in the mail that I made as our Guest Book (which is adorable!), we've gotten the last linens and utensils ready (YAY!). We've arranged all the servers, we got our marriage license a few weeks ago! Eek! That made it feel real. Also, we've finished DIY'ing our programs AND I've had both my makeup and hair trials! Like, holy cow wedding update, right?

Here's a bit more detail about those things:
Here are my hair trial pictures, done by the fabulous Tabitha. We are going to go a bit "bigger" on the day-of and the curls will be a little more defined as we ran out of hairspray! haha. Would be my luck. It looks pretty damn fabulous as it is though! I loooooove the back! The bangs will also have more TLC, they were dirty that day. Lol. Obviously since my face is so shiny it was after work one day.

P.S. Look how damn long my hair is! lol.

Also, Here is a sneak peek for the few of you that read my blog! haha. This is how our ceremony programs turned out. Super cute for like, $5 don't you think?! :-)

 I didn't post the back, but it has all the attendants, parents, grandmothers, and all that jazz on the back. I didn't want to post people's names all over the interwebs or anything if they didn't want me to. :p Granted....their pictures will be plastered ALL OVER this blog in a few weeks. Heh. But they will be FABULOUS pictures, so it's all good. Also there is a memorial message for those that can't be with us. :-(

I'd post a picture of our license up here if I didn't want to look like a total lunatic, but you see... I'm trying super hard to not have this post last forever and a day. It'll be pretty close as it is! ;-)

OH, something super shiny. Here is some ring porn! The camera was awkward, but Seth's ring is actually White Gold and mine is White Gold with Pave diamonds in the band to match my fabulous e-ring. Ring Porn:

Cannot WAIT to get to wear them both together!! :-) Eek! And you see what I'm saying about Seth's ring looking the wrong color? So weird. There will be some non-awkward pics taken by our photog, I can guarantee that.

That about does it for the wedding updates I think!
Part 2

Now on to some OTHER stuff from this past week. :p

As you all may know, Valentine's Day isn't my favorite. We generally are pretty low-key on V-Day, maybe going out to dinner. Even as a woman who has been in a committed relationship for the past FOUR Valentine's Day's I still do not love it. However...Seth did a marvelously convincing job at making me like it this year. Why? Because it was so incredibly simple and sweet. We decided months ago that we would do Valentine's Day in -- screw the crowds, the awkward "having dinner with 39403 other couples" thing. So here's how it went down: He got me a single red rose and a card to start the day - I found it on my way downstairs that morning on the way to work. "Awww." Then when I got home (since I leave after him AND get home before him) he texts me to look in the cabinet above the fridge. YAY I find chocolate! Lol. When he gets home, he basically tells me to stay out of the kitchen, which I happily do almost every day anyways. I am NOT the cook in our little family. When he's all done, he has made homemade Chicken Parmesan and fettuccine alfredo! It was absolutely delicious and we both agreed that it was way better than going out and spending a ton waiting in lines for the same thing...for more money! Lol. This is our cute little setup. :-)

Then we had a brownie thing for dessert and watched Valentine's Day <-- his choice. Again, 'Awww.' We cuddled on the couch and was bedtime. ;-) Ya know what I mean. I know, I'm being that gross lady. Sorry! But you see, there it is. Did I mention he was playing lovey-dovey music while we ate and such? Lol.


Part 3
The Bachelorette/Bachelor Parties

Oh, how do I even begin with these? Lol. We'll just say this: The theme of the girl's night was, "So there were 3 girls on a mountain..." Basically in what-could-go-wrong-probably-did fashion. It was, overall, a good time. There were just lots of bumps! The guys seemed to have a fabulous time at Dave & Busters, other than Derek getting lost and missing out. :-( Seth feels terrible about that part. There was a location mix-up that we plan on fixing. Boooo. But the guys had a good time at D&B until the wee hours of the morning. haha.

A little more detail, I suppose, would be good. Not that I suspect any of us will forget anytime soon! But the purpose of my blog is to serve as my "memory."

So, Heather couldn't come. Something about her uncle's surgery and such. So it was just going to be me and Jackie driving up to Blairsville and Elea would be driving in separately since she's actually closer. The day before I remember that my tires have been doing this awkward bouncy thing and I need to take it somewhere. I call a place in Conyers and they say they'll rotate them...when I talk to Seth I realize I need them balanced too. So we take them to Seth's work...They did it all, which was great, but it took forever, putting Jackie and I way behind schedule. We ended up finally leaving and get on our merry way. We drive, just a little traffic but no biggie. Right before we turn on to the road to the house in the mountains my steering wheel starts shaking. Wtf? But we just keep driving because what else can we do? We're on a tiny mountain road.

We pull up and the house is GORGEOUS - it really is beautiful. Elea is already there, so the three of us take our stuff in and begin to settle in. We literally chat for close to 2 hours before we remember that we're supposed to do stuff - like, ya know, eat? And go buy wine? Heh. It was a good conversation obviously, accompanied by the yummy cookies and petit fours that Mrs. Jill got for us! Mm. Well we finally realize what time it is and that we should probably get ready. We freshen up our outfits and hair/makeup and decide to go to a restaurant called Fatz's <-- basically Blairsville's version of Applebee's or Chilli's.

Well, on the way down the mountain my tire is acting straight up stupid. The wheel is turning and we realize that it may be a flat. Yes, even after the hours we spent trying to prevent any retardedness, it is still there. We pull over into a fairly creepy gravel driveway and inspect it -- during this time, Elea and I are trying to pretend we know what to do and we don't realize that Jackie is having a conversation with her brother about an earlier argument. :-( She was trying to keep it from ruining my night; I felt bad. :-( But back to what was happening: I call Seth and tell him I have a flat. My tire's PSI was a 16! It's supposed to be like 36! Both Elea and I checked it to make sure we weren't being dumb, but there it was. So we carefully make our way back to Jackie's house going like 4 MPH. We make it, somehow, and hop into Elea's car. Thank goodness she drove too!

So we're in Elea's car. All is good right? Eh. It's started to rain and her windshield wipers are crap. So we make it to the restaurant but it was a slow drive since we couldn't see! The restaurant was good - yummy food and a free cake thing since it was my Bachelorette! Lol. The server took a few pics for us, which I will post as soon as I get them! Also during this time we realize that Jackie is not doing so well. :-( We figure out why (an argument, we'll say) and we all attempt to smooth it over to the best of our abilities, but none of us really know how to handle it. Have I ever mentioned that we are all pretty weird/awkward in strange situations? So we leave from there to head to Wally World - why? We need wine and we need junkfood...and windshield wipers.

We pick out a Pink Moscato (yummy) and some Arbor Mist (not so yummy), got some popcorn, some yoohoo's and Coke's, and some candy. Then we go figure out the windshield wipers. Thank goodness there was a little book telling us what size and type to get! After we figured out what a "J-Hook" was, we pick out some hopefully good wipers. We go through the checkout and we're's starting to rain a little harder so we *know* we need to get the windshield wipers in better order before we try and make it back. So there we are...three girls who have never changed windshield wipers, in the Wal-Mart parking lot in the rain. Lol. I'm sure it was a sight. Two of the highlights: While figuring out how to get the J-Hook off the stupid wiper, I almost broke Elea's fingernail! Yikes! But we did get it off... lol. Then a lady asked us if we needed any help, to which Elea replied, "Do you know how to change a windshield wiper?" And the lady said, "No," so Elea said, "Then no." <--- Heh. Too funny. Did I mention that at this time Jackie had to run back inside to the bathroom and we wanted her to bring somebody with testosterone out with her? haha. We finally managed to somewhat figure it out, but we only did one. It was starting to pour and we didn't want to chance the other one.

So we make our way back to Jackie's with one working windshield wiper. But hey! We did it! We get back, unload the leftovers and the Wal-Mart goodies and then we realize there is a weird beeping. At first we think it's the alarm, but it can't be. It was disarmed! Then we are checking smoke alarms, motion sensors, pretty much anything...and realize, alas, it WAS the alarm. Because the battery was going dead! This is what Elea and I refer to as our "Nancy Drew" moments. We can't turn it off because that could disarm the whole system! Eek! So we heard a beep-beep-beep-beep-beep sound every few minutes. Lol. It was pretty comical by the end.

We decide to open the wine and head downstairs with our snacks for a chick flick - we decide on The Proposal and watch it. I love that movie so much! lol. We go back upstairs and by now it's like 1 something in the morning. We're all tired but end up having a "come to Jesus" meeting in the living room. We're all being pretty damn honest...that usually happens after a long day filled with all kinds of stuff and being tired. Perhaps the wine didn't hurt that either. We end up chatting until like 3 in the morning and all go on to bed at like 3 or 3:15? That is, after we ghetto-rigged the alarm to attempt to muffle the beeping so we can sleep. We're geniuses. ;-)

The rest of this is pretty mundane, but here goes. We get up the next morning, Elea is having an allergy issue but has her meds, we pack our stuff up and Elea has to leave before Jackie's dad comes with their dogs (P.S. Bomber and Buford are cute.) We attempt to help with the windshield wipers - all I'm good for is getting them OFF and Elea can get them back on! heh. So, together we earned our Man Cards? So Elea leaves and Jackie's dad saves us! He takes my stupid tire to Wal-Mart and gets a patch thingy for it, fills it back up and puts it on. We're good to go! Saved the day! Lol. So Jackie and I head out, it was a long paranoid drive, but we made it home safely. It was quite the eventful night, huh? :p
Pics soon!

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