Monday, February 13, 2012

Best Day Ever! Hell, it was a pretty good WEEK!

So I know that normally the brides are apparently holy terrors and highly unpleasant to be around during the last month or so of planning...I'll say that I've probably had a few 'zilla moments, but they are few and far between. Sure, I get a little stressed here and there with the actual planning of this day BUT I am used to being stressed so I don't feel that I've been that bad! Others can beg to differ if they really want to! I mean, I feel like I've been pretty damn laid back through this process in general.

Anyways, let's recap my week. On Thursday I spoke with Elizabeth at Mom's school about Grad School - lots of talking later and I realized the program I was talking about wasn't exactly right for me. Now I am considering one at Mercer. Also, I had lunch with Ashley and got to meet Baby Charlie, who was surprisingly well-behaved for a 1.5 month old! P.S. I know nothing about baby gear.

Also that day, we had our 2nd Pre-Marital Counseling appointment. I'll say I LOVE our weekly meetings with Doug. They are really great. I wouldn't mind doing that every week...for forever. Is that weird? Lol. Two things I want to remember for our marriage: Boundaries (re: family sharing) and Communication Techniques (re: saying what you heard before freaking out.) It has been amazing. I also love that he keeps telling us we'll have no problems and are a solid couple. :p Yeah, we're awesome. Lol.

On Saturday, it was Seth's grandma Nell's 75th birthday. We went to Red Lobster - the wait was insane, but the food was good. :) Plus Nell was happy and that is all that matters. Happy Birthday to my future grandmother-in-law.

Today was busssssyyyyyy! In a good way, mostly. :) We had an appointment at 10 am with Ashleigh Dees our photographer. We basically got a more firm timeline for the pictures the day-of and we talked about how we wanted to handle family pictures and things like that. :) I really like her and am super excited to see our photos!!

Then after that, we came back to the house and Heather got here. She and I left and went to my Bridal Shower which started at 2. :) I'll just say this....My Mom and Jackie are super hostesses! It was adorable. The food was delicious - some of my faves: the cake pops, the "lizard guts," Nanny's new chocolate brownie, and the sandwich things. So good! I also liked the cheese wheel and the veggies! I honestly really liked it all. Also, the punch was really good! I am a Sherbet ice cream freak so that helped. ;-)

I only have two pictures so far (one from Mrs Jill's facebook and another from my phone) but they are here for now!

Beyond that, Mom made this AWESOME towel cake thing. It was freakin' adorable!! I'm going to leave it in my dining room until it is deemed socially unacceptable. hahah! AND get this, we're getting an "advice tablecloth." Is she not the most creative lady like....ever? I haven't even mentioned the apron game! That one warrants a picture, I wish I had one already! I'm going to try and upload them asap though. The apron game was basically: I had to wear this crazy embarassing loud apron that had 14 kitchen items hanging from it. The guests got to see it and then I put it up. Whoever guessed the MOST number of items correctly got a cookbook. :) haha. Mrs. Lynn and Elizabeth won that game. Heather won a cookbook too by getting the three questions game right --- Where was mine and Seth's first date; What is my favorite restaurant; What is Seth's favorite restaurant. P.S. Applebee's, Tokyo, Olive Garden.

I had a fantastic time and was really happy so many people came and we got so much awesome stuff! I can't even begin to explain all that. I got lots of fun recipes and my Mom's "famed" cookbook too! I'm a real grownup! haha.

After the shower and after we cleaned up, Me, Mom & Heather went over to Mrs. Jill's house. Mrs. Jill is a Mary Kay consultant (for a loooong time) and she offered to do our wedding day makeup!! So fun. So we went over for some trials. Mom got me this awesome kit that includes the makeup and the cleaners and awesome microdermabrasion kit. Looooove that thing - it makes your skin feel so amazing! I wish I could use it all over. haha. Heather put on makeup for like the first time ever and she looked super pretty too! Mom and I both got our makeup done and we were really happy with it overall! I think there will be a few tweaks made on the wedding day, but it was super fun. My eyeshadow looked awesome! Win! haha.



Me & My girls :)

The awesome drink dispenser from Jackie & Jill!

The aforementioned (and slightly embarrassing) apron of "stuff"

Sara, Dalas, Maggie & Mrs Melanie Signing the Tablecloth

The cool decorations and some of the signatures :)
In retrospect I wish we'd gotten a big picture with all the people that showed up!

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