Sunday, December 4, 2011

Most Powerful/Memorable Moments of My 2011

So a fellow 'Bee posted this link earlier today: . The photos range from incredibly sweet/amazing to incredibly disturbing and awful, but they do in fact sum up the year 2011 for our country. In particular, the one with the older lady that got pepper sprayed was absolutely AWFUL. I cannot even stand those.

However, reading that article and seeing those pictures sparked a good idea for me! I know 2011 isn't over yet (and maybe something else will happen this month?) But I want to do MY 2011. I'm sure I'll do a similar more specific post about how incredible 2011 has been for me nearer to New Years but I want to mimic the article but base it on MY life. My life has changed a lot since last year and whatever, I think it's a good idea. :) Obviously I don't have 45 different things but... Here you go.

The 5 Most Powerful Moments of My 2011 (in order from earliest this year to most recent).

1. March 12, 2011 - We got Engaged! At John Tanner State Park, with a gorgeous ring, on our "1000th day together."

2. May 7, 2011 - I graduated from college! I got my Undergraduate degree exactly one year earlier than others. :) *teehee* My BA in Psychology from University of West Georgia. Well-deserved, that one.

3. August 2011 - We got our first house!! Thanks to my absolutely amazing Nanny and Papa. XO. We love it and are so happy!

4. November 1, 2011 - I lost the most important man that helped raise me. My Papa was 80 years young when he passed away. I miss him every day; I still haven't really comprehended it.

5. I don't have a physical picture to show for this one, but my number 5 life-changer this year was my surgery on November 21, 2011. I found out many things that are not great but I found my faith in my choices.

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