Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The Holidays

So, the holidays were a little bit different this year. With the absence of my Papa, that is to be expected. There were some brief sad moments, but mostly it was happy. I am so blessed to have the family that I still have, and I love them more than anything.

We also did what I'm now calling my "last big good deed" of the year. On Friday there was a lost dog that almost got hit by a car. Another lady and I stopped and tried to find her owners, but the only tag she had on was a rabies tag. Well, the vet's office was closed from last Thursday until today at 2 pm. She was a sweetheart and looked kind of like Chevy. I couldn't just leave her there to get hit by a car. She stayed one night at my Nanny's house before her b*tch neighbor complained. Then the next couple of nights she stayed at our house. She did fairly well, and by today she, Lucy & Chevy were buddies. I have a video of the three of them laying in the living room.

Once I got in contact with the vets office today, it was less than an hour before her owners called and set up a time to meet and get her back. :) Her name was Honey, and she was sweet as pie. I know that sounds cheesy, but she was. Apparently she was 9 years old. I just did it because...I would want someone to do that if Lucy or Chevy got out and were lost/in danger.

So that changed our holiday times, because we had that to deal with...and honestly? I don't regret it a bit. I didn't really WANT to focus on the holidays because I didn't want to fall apart. So instead I focused my emotional energy on her and on the dogs. It helped, I think. And now she is safe and sound with her family.

Other than that...Christmas was pretty amazing. Mom gave us money for our new tub! And Nanny gifted us (and the doggies) a fence! How blessed we really are. Now to find the time and energy to get those big ol' projects done. :-D I will definitely blog our DIY Home Improvement projects. We also got all kinds of other amazing gifts, ranging from gift cards and money, toilet paper and toiletries, and decorative platters and lamps. Oh, and chocolate and tools for Seth. :p Just an overall good Christmas.

No pictures as of yet, I'm sure most of them are gross anyway. Lol.

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