Saturday, April 16, 2011

Major Update -- and 3 weeks until Graduation!

So I know it's been a while since I last posted - we have been SO busy with everything! To follow-up to my last short blog though, we did go look at several venues that friday and the next friday, but we decided not to go with any of those venues and instead picked one yesterday!! :) We're excited about that. Now we just need to make sure our desired date is available - please be open!! Once we get it secured I'll post a pic or two. Let's just say -- the Price is Right on this venue, not to mention it's beautiful! Has gorgeous dark hardwood floors, huge ceilings with exposed beams, giant fireplace and windows. Ah I feel so much better than I did. We were engaged for over a month before we found a place! haha. Besides that news, what has been really keeping me away from blogging besides school (wait a minute, I'll detail all that) is that my computer port broke. :( I'm waiting until after graduation to get it fixed because I'm broke and don't have the money or the time to get it fixed right now. I've been using Seth's computer for the past few weeks -- but don't worry. He used mine for like a year. ;) He owes me. ;) haha. Ahhhh now to school. I don't even know where to start. I graduate in THREE WEEKS!!!!!!!!!!!! Literally three weeks from right now I will be a college graduate. I've had millions of assignments and papers and tests to do over the past few weeks and these next two weeks are going to be the worst. So far today (Saturday) I've written two papers and plan on writing at least one more today to stay on top of this week. It's so crazy! At least I have everything I need for Tuesday finished and one of my papers for Wednesday already turned in. Whew. What a crazy thing to finish up a 19 hour semester when 15 of them were Honors. Speaking of which, all I have left to do is turn in my Honors Thesis and get my Honors cord for Graduation! :D OHHH and we got 11 tickets instead of 8 for graduation -- some people must have really screwed up. Yikes. Hmmmm other stuff. Hannah got a job! :) And she's moving in with us for the summer in a few weeks. :) I also went to a career fair last Tuesday on the recommendation of my 'career coach.' My resume looks AWESOME, by the way. Sadly there were very few jobs that I was qualified for with my degree. I was joking that I should have been a business major and bored to death, so I could get a job. *sigh* I will find something! I really just want a job and to get my feet wet. I want to prove that I can be a good worker and start to figure out where I want to get in my career. As of right now, I'm pretty open. :) Pray for me to get a job readers! :)

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