Friday, March 30, 2012

We Skyped with Jenn!

I know this is being randomly thrown onto the blog in between mass wedding updates but I wanted to write a blog about it. :-)

I'm not sure how much I've shared on here in regards to the fact that my family is adopting again. For those wondering, we adopted my youngest sister almost 4 years ago from China. This new girl is also from China, but a different part. She is older than Ava -- Ava was only 4 when she was adopted, but Jenn (Jennifer) is 13. There is a lot of backstory and a lot of feelings, but the gist of it is that while this is going to be extremely complicated, there is no backing down now! :-)

She is beautiful. I mean, she really is. She and Ava are going to be real head-turners as they grow up. I hope that works to their advantage and not to their disadvantage. She mentioned she likes to read - YAY! She'll fit in with Mom and I. ;-) Also she likes Horror Movies (ahem, Zach) and she likes video games (ahem, Zach & Will.) She also seems to like Ava and that'll be an interesting relationship to watch. Her favorite color is blue and she decided that she does in fact want her own room. :-) Good choice, Jenn. Really. I can't imagine being 13-14 and sharing a room with an 8 year old. I mean they'll share a bathroom so it'll be close enough, right? haha.

I just think my family is so interesting. My Mom is truly an excellent person, though I'm not sure how much she thinks out some things. I know it's going to be hard for her to understand, but sibling relationships are really complicated already...add on top of that two adopted younger siblings, add the age of one of them, add all of that together and of course you get complicated! Of course you get strong feelings! I hope and pray this works out for the better for everyone involved. I hope that Jenn is happy in our big crazy family, I hope Ava gets the big sister that is still young enough to want to play with her, I hope the boys learn to love her - because oddly enough I think they have just as much in common with her as Ava does! I hope that I can be the best big sister, in whatever way it ends up, for all four of my little siblings. <-- I say little, even though Will is obviously taller than me and Zach and I are already the same height when he is 15! Sheesh. I just want the best for everyone. I hope my Mom learns to spend her time more wisely with the amazing children she has and that Mark really involves himself with both Jenn and Ava. I just....well, I'm just hopeful. I'm doubtful, but I'm hopeful. So many little things go into that working out well, but like I always tell myself - it will work out the way it's supposed to. <3

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