Sunday, March 3, 2013

Where have I been? Today is our 1st Anniversary!

Where the hell have I been?? I just realized I haven't posted on here since September of last year....and it's March! That is so weird to me because my life has had so much going on in those months. What brings me back to this blog, though, is something happy and awesome!

Today is Seth and my first wedding anniversary! :) I blogged so much on the preparation and the recaps of that day a year ago that I must have been "blogged out" by that point. I have been super busy -- like busier than any normal 22 year old should be. I have 4-ish jobs, I'm in grad school full-time ---- YES! I got in and I actually like this program. haha. Seth may have an interesting and awesome new job prospect in the near future. Home improvements have been made to our house; of course, it's still a work in progress. My family is a mess. Just lots of updating that I could do today!

To begin with though, I want to focus briefly on the reason I'm here. It's so weird to me that it's been a year that we've been married - it doesn't feel like it! I guess it probably never does. It doesn't feel like we've been together for almost 5 years though either. That's half a decade - like, what? It was Seth's 20th birthday and I had turned 18 a few days before that... we're just about to have our 23rd and 25th birthdays in a few months. Our "puppies" are now doggies that will both turn 4 this year. We've lived together for 4 years. We've lived in our house for a year and a half. Ava was adopted *AFTER* we started dating and she turns 9 next month. There is just is just so much that has happened! Of course, that is just the happy stuff. We have both lost loved ones, we have both struggled, we have both had bad days, and we've been very, very poor together. haha.

Since we like some things traditional, we wanted to sort of try out the "paper anniversary" thing. It's harder than it seems! I got Seth a sign that was intended for his tag wall (he says it's too nice to "just put in the garage" lol), I got an "M" sign for our bedroom, a hat hook for him with an ampersand (and then an A and an S to put around it) and then the real paper-- I made him a little book that has the "Alphabet of Our Love" in it. It's a little sweet, a little goofy...very us. :) I really got him with the "P" one! ;) Seth got me the best card ever (it's perfect) and one of my favorite author's books - he said the paper thing had him kind of panicking. haha. So cute. :)

Tonight we are going to go out to eat and attempt to eat our leftover cake - I imagine it will be pretty gross.We also still have to read our letters we wrote to eachother last year and write our letters to read next year. Oh! And we need to take our picture with our picture from last year! I can't forget to do that! I guess I need to get pretty. ;)


I'm not even sure I can summarize September 2012-February 2013. I can try though, I guess? It probably won't be in order, but here's a brief snippet!

I know, it's a little scary. But hey, we do what is asked of us. haha. Yep, that is Seth as the racecar driver.
 We dressed up for Halloween because Jennifer wanted us all to (her first Halloween). Ava was in her first pageant - and got Most Photogenic, because duh. ;) Lol.

The girls at Ava's pageant :)
Zach's 16th birthday was fun with a bouncy thing, and in February he got his first car - "Bumblebee" a yellow 2010 Camaro! I can't believe he is old enough to have a (very cool, badass) car.
Zach is 16!
Us old people had to go try it out that night... Lol.

Mom, Jackie, Cindee and I started an awesome woman's club called the Violets Junior Woman's Club as part of GFWC/GFWC Georgia. Our first event was wine and trivia! We've had lots of other events since then, but we have a pageant called the Mister & Miss Community STARS Pageant coming up next weekend that Ava and Jennifer will be in. We're planning a Hike & Howl 5K for October that is (hopefully!) going to be amazing! I do hope it works so badly.
Jackie, Me, Cindee & Mom right before our very first event!
In February at our "official" charter of our club. Cindee (2nd VP), Jackie (Treasurer), Mom (President), Sandra (Director of Junior Clubs for GA), Joanna (Secretary) and Me (1st VP)
Our charter club members!! :)
Let me think... Mark turned 50 in December and Mom got him an awesome present - flying lessons! Mom turned 44 on Christmas Eve. My mother is gorgeous. Christmas was pretty good last year. Better than we had expected since things were not going all that well on the new adoption front (still aren't) but at least Christmas and her birthday were okay. It was Seth and my first married Christmas which was pretty cool. :)

Our house :)
My family on Christmas (the camera tag is wrong, lol)
Seth and I - Our First Married Christmas
Jennifer's 14th Birthday - 12/25/12 (her first bday here)
On January 7 started my Masters program - a Masters of Arts in Teaching (MAT) in Special Education. About two weeks later I started my internship at Eastside (kids in grades 9-12). I'm not going to post much on that in here. Let's just say I write a daily log to keep up with that one. haha. I had a job interview this past Friday for a Parapro position that would count for my internship...I just hope and pray that I may get a paid job in a school (para or teacher) for the upcoming school year so that I can cut back on my insane schedule.

Speaking of, real quick, this is how insane my schedule can be sometimes... On M&W I intern at EHS, work with Ava, and then work with Patrick. We're talking 8 am until 6:30 at night. On T&Th I nanny for Wyatt in the mornings, work with Ava, and then I have class every other T/Th. On the opposite day I tutored for the SAT/ACT. So we're talking 8:30 am to 9:30 pm on class days. :/ Then on Fridays I work on Paulk Clinic things and have Ava. It's my easiest day, but I often end up throwing lots of homework in on that day because....obviously I'm not doing it during M-Th! The weekends are spent volunteering or, more likely, doing homework. I often spend hours each weekend on homework. I keep saying - it will be worth it though! I will be a Special Education Teacher at least by August 2014!

In February we did some home improvements. Oh! We got a new stove for Christmas too!

That's my insane life. C'est ma vie. :) I'll try and update this more now that I have a decent computer to use!!