Sunday, April 22, 2012

Yes, we're still kicking. Swear.

I haven't updated this thing in a LONG time. Most likely because about 498309432943% of my time is dedicated to looking for a "real" job. And because I have nothing interesting happening in my life, basically. After the wedding and things calmed down our lives got seriously boring with a few exceptions.

First of all...being married is fun! It doesn't hurt that we had many years of "practice" while living together, being engaged, etc. There was an adjustment period (for me, actually) and I think a lot of it had to do with my job status and my last name change. My job is actually awesome. I enjoy it, I love that Ava has had SO much improvement over the last 7-ish months, but at the same time it feels...I don't know, stale? Stagnant? That would be due to the fact that it's just a's not my career. It also isn't enough hours or money for the type of lifestyle I would like to be living.

Secondly, Seth and I are both officially back in school. :) Seth is getting his Bachelors of Science in Business Management to coincide with his new job - he made Manager on his FIRST DAY! Isn't that awesome? I'm really proud of him and how hard he works. He's seriously great. But we both agreed that having a Bachelors in Business on top of his Automotive would be ideal for him as far as income and upward potential.

After a ton of debating and hemming and hawing over what I wanted to be "when I grew up" I finally decided. ;) I got accepted into a Masters of Science program in Human Resources Management. I start on May 1! I find it extremely ironic that HR is what I originally had planned to do for my Bachelors degree. With that said, I do not for a minute regret getting my Bachelors in Psychology instead. I learned SO MUCH about myself doing that particular degree (at that particular school, as many are more science focused now) and learning the life lessons I needed to learn being away on my own that I couldn't even begin to regret it. Maybe I wish I had gotten a more practical degree sometimes, but mostly I just wish I could find a job relevant to my Masters and begin my career.

I realize I don't sound like your typical 21 year old, but that's because I'm not. I realized the other day that I graduated A YEAR AGO. That seems pretty crazy. I've been out of undergrad for a whole year... That's kind of what sparked my issues since I hadn't figured out what to do about my future and my Masters and my career. I think I will be quite happy with my choice. The program sounds excellent! I should be done sometime in 2013. I'm going to try and accelerate it like I did my BA and get done by August 2013 at a minimum.

There's really not much else going on. I hope I get an awesome job soon and that a potential employer will see my potential and all that. Oh, we *did* decide that we're going to put off TTC. I'm not sure if I mentioned that in any previous blogs, but yeah. We need more money and we'd like to be done with our *new* educational endeavors before any of that. Though life never goes how you plan and we would feel nothing but lucky if that life-changer happens sooner rather than later. As long as it happens at all...I'm happy. :)